About Me

We Are The Monsters Under My Bed Family & We Love Having Fun Doing Family Events..

Thursday, July 30, 2009

MUMB update 27th July 2009 Meeting @ "office" CA Mohd =p

Assalamualaikum MUMB-ians & friends,
This is an "exclusive" shots of a day at our "office" hahahaha...This is the place where we always hangout at times usually from 5.00pm till prolly 6-7pm. We would just sit back and relax and talk about what's happening in our daily lives or just random chats about random things and stuff and so on. There's not much to talk about on that day just that Hafeez aka Awang Alak Betapis hehehe~ had just finished installing his new version Window 7 on his laptop. The only other attendees were AnwarHR aka MadD aka Laksamana Hang Smad, Pahlawan Shazwan and Muhd Khairul aka Boy aka Lela Menchanai Dato Khai. Those who couldn't be there were Menteri Hiburan Pehin Khatib Awang Dato Pekerna Singga Maharajalela Permaisuara Pengiran Anak Ezam hahahaha (panjang bui namanya ah alum tah lagi ada nama permanent), Firdaus aka Raja Buaya aka Raja Ambok & Waleed aka Guru Panglima Berantai Walid.

Below are some of the pics from that day @ The "Office":-

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